The Somatic Mother

The Podcast

A podcastĀ that blends evidence based research, instinctive bodily wisdom, and intuitive guidance as it relates to pregnancy, birth, and the postpartum period.

Prima Natural Wellness
Trusting Your Innate Wisdom: A Guide to Minimizing Birth Interventions
Trusting Your Innate Wisdom: A Guide to Minimizing Birth Interventions #changingthewayweseebirth #childbirtheducator #confidenceinpregnancyandbirth #embodiedbirthexperience #empoweredbirthexperience #holisticbirthcoach #howtopreparefornaturallabor #innatewisdom #instinctivebirthandbeyond #learningaboutphysiologicbirth #naturalchildbirtheducationcourse #spiritualconnection #takebackourpowerasmothers Apr 18, 2023



Isn’t it amazing that every second of every day, birth is happening? But yet, we as women have been conditioned to fear it. Our bodies have instinctive wisdom and everything we are feeling and experiencing and needing is a call from our bodies. What if we could...

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Prima Natural Wellness
5 Ways to Mentally Prepare for Natural Labor
5 Ways to Mentally Prepare for Natural Labor #changeyourmindsetaboutbirth #empoweredbirthexperience #howtopreparefornaturallabor #naturalchildbirtheducationcourse #preparingfornaturallabor #reframeyourbeliefs Apr 04, 2023


There is a great deal of focus when it comes to the physical, emotional, and even spiritual aspect regarding labor and birth. What I often see though is the mental aspect overlooked. If you’re not mentally prepared for what’s ahead, it will be much easier to...

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