The Somatic Mother

The Podcast

A podcastĀ that blends evidence based research, instinctive bodily wisdom, and intuitive guidance as it relates to pregnancy, birth, and the postpartum period.

Prima Natural Wellness
Trusting Your Innate Wisdom: A Guide to Minimizing Birth Interventions
Trusting Your Innate Wisdom: A Guide to Minimizing Birth Interventions #changingthewayweseebirth #childbirtheducator #confidenceinpregnancyandbirth #embodiedbirthexperience #empoweredbirthexperience #holisticbirthcoach #howtopreparefornaturallabor #innatewisdom #instinctivebirthandbeyond #learningaboutphysiologicbirth #naturalchildbirtheducationcourse #spiritualconnection #takebackourpowerasmothers Apr 18, 2023



Isn’t it amazing that every second of every day, birth is happening? But yet, we as women have been conditioned to fear it. Our bodies have instinctive wisdom and everything we are feeling and experiencing and needing is a call from our bodies. What if we could...

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Prima Natural Wellness
How to Manifest the Natural Birth of Your Dreams
How to Manifest the Natural Birth of Your Dreams #changeyourmindsetaboutbirth #changingthewayweseebirth #confidenceinpregnancyandbirth #connectwithyourintuition #embodiedbirthexperience #preparingfornaturalbirth Apr 11, 2023


Have you been told to just keep thinking positive and that good things will come? While this is certainly a part of the equation, it’s not the whole piece. The simple act of positive thinking goes way deeper into our subconscious mind and to bring our wants and...

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Prima Natural Wellness
My First Birth Story: the Powerful Story That Started It All
My First Birth Story: the Powerful Story That Started It All #changingthewayweseebirth #firsttimemomchallenges #holisticbirthcoach #medicalabuse #myfirstbirthstory #supportingmomsduringpostpartum #supportingmomsduringpregnancy #traumaticbirthexperience Jan 10, 2023


Today’s episode is a special one for me to share, because it’s my very first birth story with my oldest son, Mason! I really learned so much during this experience, and I’ve been on quite the journey since he came into this world. I knew I had to gift this...

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