My First Birth Story: the Powerful Story That Started It All

#changingthewayweseebirth #firsttimemomchallenges #holisticbirthcoach #medicalabuse #myfirstbirthstory #supportingmomsduringpostpartum #supportingmomsduringpregnancy #traumaticbirthexperience Jan 10, 2023
Prima Natural Wellness
My First Birth Story: the Powerful Story That Started It All


Today’s episode is a special one for me to share, because it’s my very first birth story with my oldest son, Mason! I really learned so much during this experience, and I’ve been on quite the journey since he came into this world. I knew I had to gift this story to you; it not only impacted how my second and third births were, but it dramatically changed the way I see birth.

I was not mentally or emotionally prepared for this pregnancy (it was not on my husband and I's radar at all at this time), but I quickly became excited. I was even able to work all the way up until I had my son (I was working full-time as registered nurse then). I felt happy, I had plenty of energy, and I was still practicing yoga. I also knew I really wanted to have a natural birth, but I didn't really have a plan in place.

In today’s episode, I’m sharing all about:

  • What my first pregnancy was like and how I prepared for it as best I could. My entire pregnancy was overall really wonderful, but I had so many questions. I would ask my doctor's nurse, and I always felt so stupid asking these questions. For something that happens as often as pregnancy, I felt like there wasn't NEARLY enough information and education out there!
  • My overall experience with my OBGYN. My OB was a very induction-happy doctor, and he was not good about listening to my needs, concerns, etc. After going through everything I went through during my pregnancy and delivery experience, I also realized I had actually experienced medical abuse with him.
  • My labor and delivery in the hospital + my traumatic epidural experience. I started having contractions at home, and I ended up going to the hospital early in the morning with my husband. Things intensified, and then somewhat stalled after awhile. Eventually, I did end up getting an epidural, and that ended up being a nightmare due to the anesthesiologist injecting too deep into my back (he went into my deep spinal space, not my epidural space). I was barely able to move any of my body (I was told I was being dramatic). My amazing, sweet nurse-friend Dorothy really advocated for me, and she ended up stopping the medication I was receiving for the epidural. When it came time for me to push Mason out, I had a little more energy, and I was able to feel what was happening. Once Mason came out, we weren't able to do skin-to-skin right away due to them weighing him, swaddling him, etc. 
  • My challenging postpartum recovery. We had so many visitors in the hospital, and I was dealing with a multitude of symptoms due to the epidural mess-up during my labor. I experienced massive headaches, back pain and spasms, nausea, and sensitivity to light. Once we went home, we started getting into a bit of a routine (Mason was kicking butt with breastfeeding), but I was teetering into depression. Fortunately, I had some amazing support from family and friends, and I was able to get to a much happier place.

My first birth experience was powerful, and it prepared me for everything I wanted (and did not) want to happen with my future birth experiences.

I learned a LOT during my first pregnancy, labor, and postpartum experience. Navigating it all as a first-time mom can be overwhelming and scary for so many of us. Even though I went through challenges I never expected to deal with, I’m still grateful for my experience, and the path I’m on now. It really helped me better prepare for my second and third babies, and I knew what I did NOT want to happen going forward.

I always say-unmedicated birth does not equal non-traumatic birth, and medicated birth does not equal traumatic birth. If you’ve ever experienced a traumatic birth in any way though, you absolutely need the right support in order to process and heal. Ultimately, our views of birth and what we allow to happen during birth needs to change, and I am passionate about doing that, and more!

Resources and links mentioned in this episode: