What Is Instinctive Birth?

#connectwithyourbody #connectwithyourintuition #holisticbirthcoach #innatewisdom #instinctivebirthandbeyond #learningaboutphysiologicbirth #reframeyourbeliefs May 02, 2023
Prima Natural Wellness
What Is Instinctive Birth?


In today’s episode, I discuss exactly what instinctive birth means. Despite being innate and primal, instinctive birth is often misunderstood. Birth is a natural and instinctual process, but unfortunately, it has been hijacked by the medical system, making it a highly medicalized event that has eroded the trust of women’s bodies to do exactly what they were made to do: give birth. 

Instinctive birth is allowing the birthing process to unfold as it’s meant to while tapping into the trust of the innate wisdom and the natural design of the body. We as humans are a part of nature, and birth is a primal, instinctual process. As humans, we think we are above nature and that we need to control everything, including birth. However, the truth is that birth cannot be controlled, and attempting to do so can lead to harmful interventions that interfere with the natural process. 

We need to reframe our understanding of birth and recognize that it is a process that should be allowed to unfold naturally, without interference. By trusting our innate wisdom and the nervous system’s protective role, you can have a more positive birthing experience.

If you are wanting to learn more about how to tap into the innate wisdom of your body, I invite you to learn more about my virtual natural childbirth education course, Instinctive Birth and Beyond!


In this episode, I’m talking about: 

  • What instinctive birth means
  • How to tap into your instinctive bodily wisdom
  • Why we are not above nature and primal instincts
  • Trusting your intuition when it comes to birth
  • The role of your nervous system in birth


Resources and links mentioned in this episode: