How You Can Have an Embodied Birth Experience

#embodiedbirthexperience #embodiedinpregnancyandpostpartum #embodiment #empoweredbirth #howtoliveanembodiedlife #takebackourpowerasmothers Feb 21, 2023
Prima Natural Wellness
How You Can Have an Embodied Birth Experience


When it comes to living a full and present life, the term ‘embodiment’ always comes to mind for me. Being able to find deep peace and gratitude within our lives (even in the ‘not so good’ moments) is so important, and can actually give us liberation from the struggles we are feeling in the world around us.

In today’s episode, I’m talking more about what embodiment actually is, and how you can have an embodied birth experience.

The definition I found from the Miriam Webster dictionary for embodiment is 'to represent in human form.' When it comes to embodying birth and representing birth in human form is to open yourself up to the unfolding of your birth. You're actually ushering in unconditional love in human form when you're embodying birth, and I think that's absolutely beautiful!

Two ways we can practice embodiment within our day-to-day lives, and also our birth experiences, which are radical responsibility (I will be diving into more in a future episode) and embodiment practices. There are some really great embodiment practices you can incorporate into your pregnancy, birth, and even postpartum experience. Becoming embodied can be pretty difficult for so many of us. We've been so conditioned to be disembodied and disconnected, so please be patient with yourself along the way. 

 Some of my favorite embodiment practices are:

  1. Meditation (a beautiful tool to come into the body and really bring awareness to what is consuming the mind)
  2. Head-to-toe relaxation (a visualization exercise I actually teach in my natural childbirth course)
  3. Dancing (this is actually very intuitive and is a beautiful expression of the present moment, which can be very energizing or relaxing)
  4. Yoga and/or any similar movement practice (this gives you time and space to let your thoughts come up that need to, and then allow them to pass)
  5. Daily intimate touch (this doesn't have to be sexual, but developing a deep and healthy relationship with yourself by touching your growing belly regularly is peaceful and loving, and so important!)

Learning to love and be with your body during your pregnancy will greatly help to open yourself up to a the beautiful, embodied birth experience you are wanting (and are very capable of).

Birth is clearly a very somatic experience. Physically, there is an incredibly deep opening, but mentally, emotionally, and spiritually as well. Within our bodies is where we tap into the intuitive centers of our beings, and that innate knowing that we all hold. As women, we hold the blueprint in which we were born with knowing to give birth. The instinctual wisdom within embodiment gives us access to this innate wisdom. It's a clear path for open communication with our true nature, and once we can learn to be in our bodies. This is why it's VITAL that we practice embodiment in our everyday lives, because it will carry into our unique birth experiences as well.

I’m extremely passionate about embodiment and having an empowered birth experience. I believe that if every mother can birth in her own power, she can do anything, and ultimately, positively change the world for the children she’s bringing into it!

Resources and links mentioned in this episode: