How I Found Healing, Grace, and Resiliency as a Postpartum Mother During Covid Lockdown

#findinghealinginpostpartum #findingresiliency #gettingoutofvictimmode #itsokaytoaskforhelp #mypostpartumexperienceduringapandemic #mypostpartumjourney #sacredwindow #uniquepostpartumexperience Mar 14, 2023
Prima Natural Wellness
How I Found Healing, Grace, and Resiliency as a Postpartum Mother During Covid Lockdown


As we’re approaching the 3-year anniversary of the world shutting down, I felt really called to share my postpartum experience during that time. My pregnancy and birth with my last baby were both beautiful experiences; I felt very in control of my body, and how everything went. 

I was fully connected through all of it, and I wanted to have the best possible postpartum experience as well, since this was my last baby. I really prepared for my postpartum period, but I had no idea how things were going to drastically change and unfold with the start of the Covid pandemic and lockdown.

In today’s episode, I’m talking more about:

  • What the sacred window is. The first 40 days is also understood as your sacred window. The sacred window is this initiation period where you step into this experience as one version of yourself, and you step out of that experience as another version of yourself.
  • What the first few weeks of my 3rd postpartum period looked like. I was rested, I was having nourishing meals I had prepared ahead of time as well as meals family and friends were sending. I was nourished, and just felt wonderful overall during the first few weeks I was home.
  • The difficult struggles I experienced once the Covid lockdown happened. When the lockdown happened in our country due to the Covid pandemic, I was terrified. I had no idea how I was going to take care of a newborn baby (I was the sole provider for him because I was breastfeeding), as well as homeschooling my other 2 children. My husband was an essential worker thankfully, but he was working out of town a lot, so I was home with my 3 kids by myself, and I didn't have the support system I had at beginning of my postpartum period. I felt like I was being robbed of the beautiful postpartum experience I had yearned for. I was getting frustrated with my kids, I was fighting with my husband, and I never slept (my newborn did not sleep much at all, and he was constantly wanting to nurse). I didn't know if I was going to make it through this, and I was scared for our world.
  • How I found healing, grace, and resiliency once I decided to pull myself out of the ‘hole’ I was in. I decided to pull myself out of 'victim' mode, because I didn't want to be pulled under with what I was experiencing. I chose radical responsibility, and I took off all of the 'masks' I had put on throughout my life. It was very freeing, and I began to find peace in my circumstances!

Finding healing, grace, and resiliency as a postpartum mother during Covid lockdown was terrifying, and I honestly didn't know if I was going to make it through when it all first happened.

It’s hard to imagine that it’s been 3 years since everything changed in our world. To say that time was ‘tough’ for me would be an understatement. I had so much fear and uncertainty with what was happening, and I had no idea if I was going to be able to take care of myself and my family, and come out on the other side.

I’m proud of myself for finding the inner strength and power I needed to pull myself out. I decided to let go of the judgments, beliefs, and expectations I had, and live my life the best I could for myself and my family.

I hope my story can bring healing to you, wherever you are on your journey. PLEASE reach out for help if you’re struggling in your postpartum experience, whether you’re freshly postpartum now, or it’s been a few years. You deserve the best support possible Mama, and you don’t need to do this alone!

Resources and links mentioned in this episode: