How Birth Storytelling Can Heal

#birthstorytelling #impactinggenerationstocome #shareyourbirthstory #shiftingthebirthparadigm #yourstorymatters #youruniquebirthexperience Jan 10, 2023
Prima Natural Wellness
How Birth Storytelling Can Heal


Birth stories are so very important, and I personally love hearing them. I think it’s vital that we share our birth stories with others, because there really is a great deal held within our births and what we experience in those times. They can have a powerful impact not only on us, but on our children and the generations to come as well. I’m excited to dive more into birth storytelling and all of the wonderful, unique parts of it with you here. 

In today’s episode, I’m talking about how birth storytelling can heal, as well as 4 benefits of sharing our birth stories, which are:

  • To remember (our children, others around us, and future generations need to know and understand our stories)
  • To educate (and change the current paradigm of birth)
  • To gift and empower other women on their own journeys and experiences (letting them know they're not alone)
  • To heal and really process our own birth stories (there is no need to bottle up our experience, no matter what it was like, so working through and processing it is necessary)

Birth storytelling really can heal, and it's something that needs to be shared and talked about more in our world today.

It is imperative that we acknowledge our own birth stories, and take the time to really process them. Storytelling is how we carry on history, and how we share our wisdom and knowledge with others. It really is no different when it comes to our birth stories, even though it’s not always easy (or comfortable) to share these intimate experiences with others. 

Regardless of how our babies entered the world, is an important memory to hold tightly to. You should never feel like it's something you should let go of or forget about over time, no matter your experience.

I want to continue shifting the entire birth paradigm and allow women to safely and openly share their birth stories; this was a huge reason why I started my podcast in the first place. So much happens during birth, but ultimately, it is a beautiful, sacred gift that should be honored and shared! 

Resources and links mentioned in this episode: