Generational Birth Storytelling: My Personal Birth Story Told by My Mother

#birthstorytelling #feelempoweredinyourbirthstory #generationalbirthstorytelling #shareyourstory #thepowerofstorytelling #uniquebirthexperience #yourexperiencematters Jan 16, 2023
Prima Natural Wellness
Generational Birth Storytelling: My Personal Birth Story Told by My Mother


I am beyond excited to have my mom as the very first guest on my podcast! I just celebrated my 34th birthday last week, so I thought this was the perfect time for her to share her birth experience with me here. The day of our birth can hold SO much power over and within us, and it can actually keep us from feeling empowered and trusting when we’re having our own babies.

My mom had a pretty challenging birth experience with me-not only regarding the day of, but the days following were not anything she planned for.

In today’s episode, we’re talking all about generational birth storytelling-specifically, my personal birth story told by my mother.

My mom shares some similarities with her birth experiences (I am the youngest of 3 girls), as well as the unique challenges she experienced when having me. The day I was born, mom's water broke at home, and once her and my dad arrived to the hospital, she was only in active labor at the hospital for about 2 hours before I entered the world. She didn't have time for an epidural or any other type of pain medicine, and she was able to actually SEE me being born. In her words to me "it was great, and just a really cool experience to see you being born."

Unfortunately, her blood pressure continued climbing and was not coming down, so she did have to spend some time in the intensive care unit before going home. She started taking blood pressure medicine (which also caused her more problems), and she even had about 23 pounds of fluid taken off of her!

Once my parents were able to bring me home, everyone started getting into a good schedule. My older sisters were helpful for my mom when it came to taking care of me (especially my oldest sister). After being home only a few days, my mom woke up hemorrhaging. She was experienced huge, liver-sized blood clots (not normal bleeding that you may experience in the postpartum period). My mom had to be taken back to the hospital; she found out that this was the 'after-birth', and her body had not gotten rid of it completely, so that was happening now. Once this was taken care of, she was able to safely return home and get back to taking care of her baby (me), as well as the rest of our family.

The power of generational birth storytelling is healing, sacred, and should always be honored.

I absolutely loved getting to hear my own mother share about her birth experience with me in detail (as well as with my sisters). Clearly, generational birth storytelling is powerful! There was definitely a lot for her to digest regarding all of it, but I know it’s helped her being able to openly talk about it too. 

My mom also shared that she didn't know a lot about her own birth story from my grandma, because it wasn't something that was really talked about back then. Like I discussed in some previous episodes, it’s VITAL that we continue birth storytelling; it’s a beautiful, sacred gift that can heal, and should always be shared!

Resources and links mentioned in this episode: